Tag Archives: Max Webster

“The Importance of Being Earnest” at the National Theatre

Max Webster’s hit revival of Oscar Wilde’s masterpiece lives up to its sold-out status. The star-studded cast does not disappoint, Rae Smith’s design is gorgeous and a modern sensibility adds surprise touches that excite.

Ncuti Gatwa

As introducing Algernon in drag indicates, Webster embraces Wilde’s risqué side. There no point hiding that the practice of ‘Bunburying’- taking on a second identity – is a code to cover escapades. Algernon and his pal Jack camp it up in effete style, literally skipping around the stage. There’s even the suggestion the couple are more than just friends. Taking the roles, Ncuti Gatwa and Hugh Skinner are enormous fun and look as if they are thoroughly enjoying themselves.

Ronkẹ Adékọluẹ́jọ́ and Eliza Scanlen

So, what happens when it comes to the guys falling in love with women? Or when it comes to the final revelation about their own familial relationship? It’s easy to see a claim here for fluidity (they each have two identities already!). The idea is applied to Gwendolen and Cecily, too, who could end up as lovers rather than sisters, adding new jokes to the fantastic performances from Ronkẹ Adékọluẹ́jọ́ and Eliza Scanlen.

Or you could just focus on Wilde’s silliness. Really, nothing should be taken seriously. The Importance of Being Earnest turns the world upside down (hence the production’s surprising encore). It might be said Webster doesn’t take Wilde as seriously as Dominic Dromgoole, whose enlightening Classic Spring series was a rare treat. But there is a boldness to Webster’s work that’s to his credit. 

Amanda Lawrence and Richard Cant

There is more to praise. An excellent triumvirate of Sharon D Clarke, Richard Cant and Amanda Lawrence, taking the roles of Lady Bracknell, Canon Chasuble and Miss Prism, are superb. Clarke’s accent is a masterstroke, while the courting curate and his schoolmistress get big laughs as well as being, well, cute! As a final thrill, the physicality in the show, from Gatwa and Skinner in particular, is a genuine surprise. Comedies of manners can be static affairs, Wilde’s lines imposing, but this cast does a great job with physical comedy and stylised movements that makes the production stand out.

Until 25 January 2025


Photos by Marc Brenner

“The Real Thing’ at the Old Vic Theatre

This revival, from director Max Webster, of Tom Stoppard’s acclaimed 1982 play is hard to fault. The clever script is matched by a stylish production and intelligent performances. If there has to be some kind of balance between enthusing an audience and making them think, this show attains an equilibrium. It is easy to admire and enjoy The Real Thing, but perhaps harder to fall in love with it.

The play is Stoppard on love – explored through art, of course – and as you might expect the writer provides a lot that’s worth hearing. Since the characters are a playwright and a group of actors, he knows exactly how they should say it all. Webster matches the meta-theatricality in the script with stagehands joining in the action. Everything is smart and funny, entertaining and full of ideas.

That should, surely, be enough? What more could a poor playwright do? But since this is Stoppard, it is hard not to find it all a little… thin. Where’s the culture and history from plays such as Rock ’n’ Roll or Leopoldstadt? Writing so broadly is this playwright’s forte – and unusual gift. Of course, Stoppard can try something different. But – and it’s horribly unfair – The Real Thing just feels like a lot of arty poshos rambling on. 

“persuasive nonsense”

Dismissing Henry (the playwright) and his wives (Annie and Charlotte) is trebly mean as they – and Stoppard – try hard to avoid “persuasive nonsense”. They aim to be truthful, even if they hurt themselves as a result. By being aware of character flaws, the play contains its own critique (Stoppard’s preferred form of defence). But is Stoppard too unkind to his creations? Henry is particularly insufferable, almost challenging the audience to feel for him. 

One benefit from such carefully written characters is the potential they provide for performers. Webster’s exciting cast makes the most of them. Bel Powley’s Annie grows the most, from mercurial to mature, and it is a joy to watch this. Susan Wokoma is particularly funny, while maintaining a steely edge for Charlotte. Both have a lot of argument to get across and do it well. 

James McArdle and Bel Powey in The Real Thing at the Old Vic Theatre
James McArdle and Bel Powey

It is to the credit of all that James McArdle’s Henry is controlled and contained. McArdle finds the wit easy but also conveys the aloofness of the character and his genuine struggle for his art. But how pleasant is it to spend time with Henry? It is certainly hard to see why either woman bothers. We end up with three clearly blessed characters who all come too close to smug. 

The play becomes unbalanced, and secondary roles (all well performed) are lost. Younger characters suffer most but even Oliver Johnstone’s superb performance as Annie’s first husband, Max, feels a distant memory by the interval. Worse, the role of working-class writer Brodie (played by Jack Ambrose) is positively uncomfortable. Of course, it’s supposed to be – he is there to raise questions – but Stoppard doesn’t write straw men, and something has gone wrong here. Do folk talk more about privilege now than they used to? Maybe, but while this lot are aware of how lucky they are, Stoppard seems to have lacked prescience about how grating they would appear some 30 years on from when he wrote the play.

Until 26 October 2024


Photo by Manual Harlan

“Antigone” at the Regent’s Park Open Air Theatre

Inua Ellams’s adaptation – after Sophocles – is a strong piece full of bold thinking. As a play about democracy, the work feels timely. And there is a passion to both the writing and the production that creates a formidable energy.

Antigone is re-imagined as a youth leader from a Muslim background. One of her brothers becomes a police officer and the other a terrorist. It’s the latter who is denied a burial by Prime Minister Creon, who passes oppressive anti-terrorist laws and gets rid of the bill of human rights.

The changes are though-provoking and benefit from fulsome characterisation: not just Zainab Hasan’s lead role, which she performs with aplomb, but all Antigone’s family, who are depicted with equal care. The result is great roles for her brothers Eteocles and Polyneices, played by Abe Jarman and Nadeem Islam respectively. And her sister Ismene, played by Shazia Nicholls, is far more than the usual foil. Creon, who has been looking after the family, is made a strong study in power and Tony Jayawardena’s performance in the role is superb.

Ellams’s appraisal is full of intelligence, leaving the efficacy of protest an uncomfortably open question. Our heroine is released from prison through public opinion rather than debate – it’s ratings that count for rulers. And Ellams has a strict eye on privilege; it’s made clear that Antigone and her family have power. The roles of Haemon and Eurydice come to the fore, making important parts for Oliver Johnstone and Pandora Colin who bring a great deal of emotion to the show.

Sections of the script in verse are the highlight: Ellams’s language brings force to the stage. But while the choreography from Carrie-Anne Ingrouille is good, the music by Michael ‘Mikey J’ Asante is overpowering. Sound is often tricky at Regent’s Park but isn’t the only problem in the production. Ellams’s plotting is great – this Antigone is exciting – but Max Webster’s direction feels rushed. A fast pace doesn’t always make a play more thrilling; the production comes across as nervous.

There are, also, tensions between the original and what Ellams’s has made from it. The contrasts are welcome but cause clucky moments. The remnants of Sophocles’s play, like the characters’ names or concerns for the city state, lead to stumbles. The show needs more change rather than less. Overall, this isn’t a big problem. And the solution seems easy – keep the structure of the source but do away with the ornament – but it does stop good ideas becoming great theatre.

Until 24 September 2022


Photos by Helen Murray

“Henry V” at the Donmar Warehouse

A lot of people like to see a star on stage. The attraction for Max Webster’s new production of Shakespeare’s history play is Kit Harington. And the Game of Thrones actor more than earns his presumably vastly reduced wage. Although the production has its moments, Harington is the focus of these in what is an uneven affair that’s too stop-and-start to call it a success.

The large cast takes on multiple roles – which is, normally, sure to impress. And all the more so when the cast is bilingual. For Webster’s version of the play has French characters speaking French. Which makes sense – and makes a point – but creates mixed results.

The scenes in French prove a distraction, as you can’t help wondering if the performer is a native speaker. And when it comes to the different roles, it is all too obvious which one each cast member prefers. Efforts to distinguish the different parts (through accents or body language) are often poor. Kate Duchêne is a notable exception but, overall, there’s a lot of talent for little result.

The language isn’t the only distraction. Andrzej Goulding’s video work is good, but it is too big for the stage. As with Fly Davis’ impressive design, the Donmar’s intimacy is negated. Is a transfer so badly desired? A stage this small feels crowded very easily, yet Webster ignores this. He clearly just wants a bigger space. At one point we even have some marching on the spot… yuk.

Henry V is famous for Shakespeare’s appeals to our imagination. The chorus’ speeches can be inspiring, but here they are lacklustre – Millicent Wong’s delivery is strangely petulant. In attempting moments of realism, the show doesn’t deliver. I don’t think using guns helps, but fight scenes frequently look clumsy. Their direction, by Kate Waters, is, again, really for a different venue.

The production is not a failure. The addition of strong singing is revelatory – there are powerful voices in the cast that gave me goosebumps. It’s a shame that additional music (including, sigh, some Handel) is all over the place. Several scenes have a rawness which is striking (the final scene for Danny Kirrane’s particularly unappealing Pistol is notable).

Above all, Harington’s Harry is a great. The anxiety of ruling and war are etched on this king’s face, and the play between politician and regular guy is riveting. Star appeal saves the show. Which is good, but a little disappointing.

Until 9 April 2022


Photo by Helen Murray

“The Lorax” at the Old Vic

Legendary children’s author Dr Seuss’s environmental fable, of the titular forest creature who tries but fails to save trees from a fanatical businessman called The Once-ler, is a surprisingly joyous and thought-provoking piece. With inventive theatricality, director Max Webster’s production should please the widest of audiences with puppetry, songs and spectacle, all in rhyme, with both laughs and tears along with way.

If there’s a fault, you wouldn’t describe Charlie Fink’s effective and eclectic songs as quite top notch. But The Lorax isn’t quite a musical. And it would be hard not to focus on David Greig’s adaptation for the stage. The expanded script is in the Seuss spirit – you can feel the great man smiling down on Greig – with lovely modern twists. The inventive and intricate language keeps your attention, with smogulous smog-polluting factories replacing the truffula trees – felled to produce useless thneeds – this show is biggerer than Christmas.

Comfortably short of preachy, the important message is delivered intelligently. Greig’s masterstroke, aided by Simon Paisley Day’s energetic performance, is to show The Once-ler’s argument. Progress has a point and though The Once-ler brings disaster, his motivations aren’t all bad. We get to see how he is corrupted, and the show’s best number is with his lawyers, McCann, McGee and Von Goo. As for wider complicity, there’s the media and consumers who become distracted from The Lorax’s protest by a pop-fuelled fashion show.

Of course it’s The Lorax who is the star and guaranteed to win hearts. Performed by Laura Cubitt, Ben Thompson and Simon Lipkin, who also voices the character, this is a hero remarkable for his sensitivity and simplicity, as well as (hurrah), age and moustache. The puppetry in the show, masterminded by Finn Caldwell, is superb, perfectly matching Rob Howell’s clever design. The Lorax speaks loud and proud to all and it is to be hoped that many get to hear him.

Until 16 January 2016


Photo by Manuel Harlan