Tag Archives: Chris Fisher

“Stranger Things: The First Shadow” at the Phoenix Theatre

This acclaimed hit, with a couple of Olivier Awards last year and a Broadway transfer announced this week, is an adaptation of the Netflix teen horror TV show. Ticket sales are safe, fans happy, and the atmosphere is grand. It’s a long play, packed with action, and entertaining throughout. But perhaps the biggest achievement is that you don’t have to be a devotee of the source material to enjoy its venture on to the stage.

Stranger Things: The First Shadow is a prequel to the TV series, so we meet earlier versions of characters. But background information isn’t needed. It’s set in a small American town in 1959 – ticking boxes for atmospheric setting and nostalgia – where we follow troubled teen Henry Creel, somehow affected by a military experiment so that he has some kind of deadly power. It’s intriguing enough, but quite simple and lightly plotted, given the writing and story are credited to four people: Kate Trefry, The Duffer Brothers and Jack Thorne.

The TV format antecedents are clear. Tension comes from short scenes a few too many times, there are touches of soap opera about relationships, and the ending is poor (a jump scare and too obvious a call for a sequel). But there’s been a conscious and successful effort to move away from the small screen – director Stephen Daldry makes sure the show is ambitious and theatrical, not least with the inclusion of a play at school, a nice touch.

The coming-of-age story isn’t that convincing. Louis McCartney does a good job as the confused Henry and is excellent at being creepy. But his schoolmates are either too grown up or too immature. There’s a nice role for Ella Karuna Williams, who portrays Henry’s love interest, but her brother (played by Christopher Buckley) just ends up annoying. There are surely missed opportunities when it comes to Henry’s parents, played by Alex Young and Michael Jibson, who are both excellent but too clearly wasted. A suspicion of adults isn’t surprising in a show like this. Completing the theme is the scary scientist, another character written broadly but capably played by Patrick Vaill. The latter’s role as a substitute father for Henry could be developed further. But Netflix could easily cast all these guys in one of their shows… and hopefully they will.

It’s not so much the characters, or the story itself, as the telling of the tale that is the focus. And here Stranger Things: The First Shadow lives up to the hype. The technical accomplishments of the show are extraordinary. Miriam Buether’s expensive-looking set deserves more than one round of applause. The illusions and visual effects, by Jamie Harrison and Chris Fisher, will leave you scratching your head, and Jon Clark’s excellent lighting holds the key to a lot of them. Plus the (very loud) sound design by Paul Arditti adds immeasurably. It isn’t all high tech – a lot is done with just torches and the speed of the cast and crew. But what we see is key: the show looks fantastic and there’s no doubt you get your money’s worth.

Booking until 16 February 2025


Photos by Manuel Harlan

“The Witches” at the National Theatre

Given its record of seasonal family treats, you might describe the National Theatre’s Christmas shows as venerable. But few have been as eagerly anticipated as this new musical adaptation of Roald Dahl’s classic. It’s a thrill to report that it lives up to expectations.

Lucy Kirkwood’s book is superb. The action is swift and ambitious, scary and complete with the surreal touches that Dahl fans love. It takes kids seriously – specifically that they can be interested in mortality – so, it’s suitably dark as well as humorous, with risqué touches that make it wickedly funny.

It can’t be as easy as Kirkwood, and director Lyndsey Turner, make it look. Not only is the book well-loved, but there’s a big coven of witches who need special effects – they turn children into mice – and that’s before you add singing and dancing. The budget and the cast are huge, the illusions (Chris Fisher and Will Houstoun) grand, and Lizzie Clachan has excelled herself with the set and costume design.

Daniel Rigby and company

Turner might use the Olivier better – the show would be more at home in a proscenium theatre. But, like Kirkwood, she has excelled at making the most of the characters – a collection of roles performers can get stuck into and enjoy themselves with. There’s our hero Luke’s witch-hunting grandmother, the manager of a hotel and its chef. These are super roles for Sally Ann Triplett, Daniel Rigby and Irvine Iqbal, respectively. Suitably larger than life, the adults take over from the children (who are very good, by the way).

Katherine Kingsley and her Coven

Not forgetting, of course, the witches themselves. Katherine Kingsley has a great time as the Grand High Witch, bringing some Dietrich-style glamour to the role. She commands the crowd and has a powerful voice. But all the coven are strong and work superbly as an ensemble; they sound great right from the brilliant opening number, while Stephen Mear’s choreography has exciting touches.

And Dave Malloy’s music is fantastic. That there are so many adult voices in the show helps. The songs are more than catchy and varied, just as the lyrics, from Malloy and Kirkwood, are more than witty and clever. There are surprises here… hurrah! Careful modern touches (like TikTok) make the lines sparkle. The music has bold moments of percussion, repetition and acapella.

Can you remember the last time a family show felt this fresh and exciting? Oh yes, it was Matilda! The ‘other’ Dahl musical and still one of the best shows around. There are similarities, of course, but a lot here is bigger – the ambition and the sound. What they really have in common is their originality – both have a voice of their own, and everyone, of any age, can enjoy them.

Until 27 January 2024


Photos by Marc Brenner

“The Time Traveller’s Wife” at the Apollo Theatre 

Any show tackling time travel runs the risk of being judged a waste of just that precious commodity. This new musical adaptation by Lauren Gunderson of Audrey Niffenegger’s best-selling novel isn’t that bad. There’s plenty of talent involved – on stage and off. And it is, broadly speaking, entertaining. But it is bland.

This isn’t sci-fi. The story of Henry, who can’t help going back and forth in time, and Clare, who has to put up with his disappearing, is really about loss and grief. Let’s ignore the uncomfortable idea of Henry meeting Clare when she is a young girl and her waiting to grow up for him. Or Henry’s fascination with his opera-singing mother who died when he was a child but who he waits at stage doors for as a grown man. Instead, Niffenegger’s repetition that “love wins” and that it exists outside time is an idea clearly appealing enough for huge success.

Joanna Woodward and David Hunter

Even if you think there’s always time for romance, I fear disappointment, as the show is horribly rushed. An awful lot of the book has been crammed on to the stage and, as a result, there’s little room for emotion. Too much time is taken working out what’s going on. And this is all despite the efforts of our leads, David Hunter and Joanna Woodward, who sound great, act well, and, alongside director Bill Buckhurst, make sure the action is clear.

The score is a big disappointment. Indeed, coming from Joss Stone and Dave Stewart, the songs are something of a shock. Nothing is unpleasant (although some incidental music sounds like we’re in a lift) but nothing is inspired. And, too often, perky, sweet or swooning sounds contrast awkwardly with what’s going on in the story. And isn’t it downright odd that, despite the time travel, there’s so little variety in the score? There’s no exploration of the time covered by events. The lyrics, credited to Kait Kerrigan as well as Stone and Stewart, are bad. Attempts at humour fail.

David Hunter and Ross Dawes

Yet there is stuff to praise in the show. Buckhurst has a lot of success with the staging, helped by Chris Fisher’s illusions. Andrzej Goulding’s video and animation work is a highlight. Anna Fleischle’s design, particularly the costumes, are useful. There are also strong roles for Tim Mahendran and Ross Dawes as Henry’s friend and father, respectively. While the main love story is beige, these incidental figures get the best numbers dramatically. It just seems slim pickings for a big show and not worth travelling (far) for.

Until 30 March 2024


Photos by Johan Persson